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College Students


Building Legacies Across Campuses

Building Legacies Across Campuses (BLAC) is committed to uniting diverse individuals of high schools, colleges, universities and organizations from across the country.


The BLAC Network will provide a means for diverse individuals to network up, down, and across in order to create individual and collective success!

Educational Assistance

BLAC provides grade-level tutoring options, financial literacy courses, standardized test preparation, study skills assistance, time management training, and more!

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How We Build

BLAC provides services and assistance to students of color throughout the United States by way of:

Classmates in Library
Social, Emotional Learning (SEL)  Education 

SEL can not simply be taught, instead it’s learned through application. BLAC helps empower its students to connect to core SEL concepts to overcome their individual challenges.

Middle School and High School Placement Assistance

From entry exams to subject specific assistance, BLAC helps its students become adequately prepared for the next level.

College Preparation

From your resume to your entire college application, BLAC provides its students with the proper resources to continue forward with their educational journey.

Job Preparation

BLAC helps our students prepare for their futures by providing them with resume and cover letter assistance, interview preparation, and internship assistance.

Job Candidate
Working at Outdoor Cafe

From discussing current issues in the educational system, to Q&As and learning tactics, BLAC puts on thought-inducing webinars to help its students transform their perspective on education.

Speaking Engagements

Diversity throughout education is a major problem, BLAC provides your school with trainings and resources it needs to be a fully inclusive institution.

Youth Mentorships

BLAC helps students connect with each other through its Youth Mentorship program. Our programs give students the opportunity to help one another move forward in their educational journey.

Networking Events

BLAC hosts networking events for current and former students of color from predominantly white institutions to build a trusted network of former, current, and future generations of leaders.

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